
Power Station For Greenhouse

Autonomous drones hold significant potential in agricultural applications, such as flower counting, yield estimation, scarecrow functionality, and disease detection. To effectively leverage this technology, it is essential to have a reliable infrastructure for real-time data monitoring and communication. For research purposes, we have a greenhouse setup where new algorithms, hardware, and software can be tested and refined.

greenhouse greenhouse

To support these operations, I designed a power system that ensures constant availability of both internet connectivity and 230VAC power within the greenhouse. This system utilizes a 4G router for seamless internet access and a solar panel to sustainably provide energy, ensuring the greenhouse remains operational without relying on an external power grid.

The system also integrates a single-board computer housed in the electrical cabinet, which hosts a Flask web page to monitor the greenhouse’s status. Key environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and live camera feeds, are continuously updated and accessible remotely. This allows for real-time monitoring and analysis, facilitating the development and testing of autonomous drone applications in agricultural settings.
